
sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

Lord, what if?

Me: What if I make the wrong decisions?

Lord: If you make the wrong decisions I will help you deal with the consequences while I show you how to make the right ones.

Me: What if I don’t find the right path?

Lord: If you are unable to find the right path, I’ll ask you to let me lead the way while you follow me.

Me: What if I follow my will instead of yours?

Lord: If you find yourself following your will instead of mine, I will wait patiently until you call me and let me show you the plans I have for you.

Me: What if I never hear your voice?

Lord: I will ask you to silence all the voices and noises around you so you can hear my Spirit speak softly through you.

Me: What if I fail?

Lord: Son, I will not let you fail, I will hold you close and never let go. Just ‘call to me, and I will answer you and I will show you great and wonderful things which you do not know.’ [Jeremiah 33:3] I’m here waiting to show you my will, the right path. I’m waiting to speak to you and let you know what the right decisions are, just call me, I'm here. I love you.

By: Margaret N. Meléndez López

1 comentario:

  1. Aunque errenos el camino, aunque nos olvidemos de El siempre estara esperando....
